From Chaos to Calm: Organizing Your Home Move Like a Pro

Imagine waking up in the morning to a space that makes you feel calm. Every single book, jacket, water bottle and toy is where it should be. If you’re planning a London Ontario movers, trust the expertise of professional movers in the area to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition to your new home.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how to reduce daily chaos and move into calm control. It all starts with getting organized!


Organizing your move isn’t just about decluttering and finding reliable movers. It’s also about packing and planning for the best results.

While you won’t be able to pack every item in your home right away, it’s a good idea to start with the less-used rooms first (e.g., bedrooms, bathrooms) as these tend to hold fewer ‘everyday’ items and can therefore be packed up more quickly. It’s also a great opportunity to sort through what you have and decide what to keep, sell or donate.

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Once you’ve sorted through your things, be sure to return any belongings that belong to other people or that have been loaned to you, such as kitchen containers, tools and books. This will make the transition into your new home much smoother and help you to avoid bringing extra baggage with you.

When it comes to packing, aim for smaller boxes as they’ll be easier to transport and will allow you to fit more into each box. Try to keep like items together — such as books, non-essential home decor and non-breakable kitchen items — and label each box clearly. It’s also a good idea to put important items that you’ll need on hand right away (e.g., toiletries and a few sets of dinner plates) in a designated box or two so you’ll have them handy on day one.


Having less stuff in your home can be a huge stress reducer. Studies have shown that people who live with clutter suffer from more chronic stress and higher levels of cortisol, the hormone linked to stress. Clutter can also make it hard to find what you need, so spending time decluttering and getting organized can help improve your life as well as your mental health.

One of the best ways to approach this is to start small and work your way through the house room-by-room, sorting items into ‘keep’, ‘donate’,’recycle’ or ‘throw’ piles. This can be a very therapeutic process, so cue up your favorite music, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and get stuck in!

A great tip for keeping the momentum going is to take progress photos of each room as you go. Not only does this provide a satisfying ‘before and after’ but it also helps keep you accountable and motivated as you continue the process.

If there are items that you really don’t want to move, but can’t bear to throw away, try using a sticker system to mark them so they stay put until you are ready to get rid of them – this can be a great opportunity to hold a garage sale with friends or book a charity collection for those unwanted items!


Labeling is a vital step in home move organization – you want to avoid confusion on moving day when it comes to figuring out which box belongs where. Color-coding your boxes and writing the corresponding room names on them helps, but it’s even better to keep an inventory list by hand or digitally so you can check off as you go. Also consider tackling those piles of paper – instructions, guides, manuals, and the like – before your move date by getting rid of what you don’t need, or at least storing it properly for when you do.

Don’t forget to use stickers on any items you don’t plan on taking to your new home. This way you can put them back where they belong when you’re ready to get rid of them.

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